FountainBlue's March 14 When She Speaks program was on the topic of 'Manage Your Mindset'. Please join me in thanking our esteemed panelists.
We were fortunate to have such dynamic and engaging panelists to speak on the topic of managing their mindset at this time of great change. Below is a summary of their thoughts and advice:
Become more self-aware.
Reflect on your inner compass, serving a purpose which resonates for you.
Make plans to realize the purpose, the journey and adventure you're seeking.
Put guardrails and safeguards in place to help you remain in alignment with your principles.
Adopt a gratitude mindset and regularly celebrate all that's amazing about who you are today, at this moment.
Put your own health and needs first, while also driving for success for others and the organization.
Know that you are not alone, and connect with others who can support you when you do feel alone.
Respect that there's a time and place for everything rather than forcing a skill/role/position/opportunity on yourself.
Be open, curious, hardworking and competent.
Proactively seek those learning opportunities which would help you stretch what you can do today, and how success will position you for a bigger and brighter tomorrow.
Whether your current position and role is planned or not, make the best of it, learn from it, and succeed and grow from the experience.
Make the learning more important than the bottom line results.
Feed your own curiosity with opportunities to learn and grow in the classroom, on a project, or in other ways.
Bring out the best in others.
Adopt a positive growth mindset, making it contagious across the team and the organization.
Help your executives inspire and lead with purpose, compassion and respect.
Assume best intentions.
Find inspiration from people you work with and for.
Communicate with empathy and transparency.
Empower, inspire and engage, independent of your role in the team and organization.
Help your team focus on the purpose and filter out the 'noise', the things which are distracting and not important nor urgent.
Celebrate the victories and successes.
Help everyone be more resilient through difficult, longer term changes, leaning into each other for support.
Take a longer term, more strategic view of change.
Accept the change if you must, modify the change where you can, respond to the change in an unexpected way which might make things better for you and the team.
Be flexible and agile about the opportunities ahead, even when you have to make a business case for an unfunded opportunity.
Be clear on what you can control around a change, and strategic about how you manage through that change.
Take into account the needs of the customer, the needs of the team and its individual members, and your own personal needs as you consider how changes are impacting everyone in the short term and for the long term.
Leverage your network of relationships with mentors, sponsors, peers, etc., to help you see opportunities and challenges with a different perspective.
The bottom line for adopting a positive, agile and growth mindset is to keep choosing the next version of yourself, and sharing your advice and best practices with interested others, just like what our panelists did at this afternoon's event.