FountainBlue's October 6 Front Line Managers Online program was on the topic of 'Embracing an Agile Mindset'. Please join me in thanking our panelists.
Our esteemed panelists represented a wide range of backgrounds and experiences, but they had much in common:
They thought, spoke and acted with agility and focused on the needs of the organization, the teams and the individuals.
They embrace continuous learning and bring a positive attitude and leadership/management style to their organizations.
They are exceptional and positive communicators with inspiring messages that connect and empower.
Below is a summary of thoughts and strategies on how to adopt an agile mindset.
Know Yourself
Embrace both your strengths and your weaknesses.
Work with people not-like-you and embrace opportunities to see the world from *their* perspective.
Connect with and lean on the team to help you know yourself and become a better version of yourself.
Develop Yourself
Be flexible and adaptive, especially in ways where you don't feel comfortable.
Nurture yourself so that you're bold enough to do the uncomfortable in order to learn and stretch.
You don't have to have deep understanding and knowledge for all things, but it would benefit you and others if you embrace opportunities to learn and grow.
Nurture the Team
Emphasis the 'what' rather than the 'who' when there's an issue, inviting all to brainstorm on how to improve outcomes next time.
Communicate and connect with transparency and authenticity, working with individuals and with the team, and working on the team dynamics.
Consistently practice open and respectful discourse within your team, with a focus on delivering results.
Leverage updated information on customer needs, market trends, technology availability, team dynamics, etc., to help you team proactively think, speak and act differently.
Respect the Flow
Adopt a growth mindset and a positive, can-do attitude, making it contagious for the team/group/organization to adopt.
Set the target requirements, offer the tools and processes, provide examples, model the way, but don't insist on the adoption of agile technologies and mindset.
Make the plans, work the plans, but flow with the inevitable curve balls which may shake up those buttoned-up plans, embracing them as learning and growth opportunities.
Push Through Together with Resilience and Resourcefulness
Agilely work with the team to deliver results with resilience and resourcefulness, in alignment with corporate mission, vision and values.
Manage expectations so that they are realistic, emphasizing successes and learnings, even when there's an overall 'failure'.
Proactively plan a pivot, in alignment with market trends and business imperatives.
Nurture a culture which embraces failure as a learning opportunity.
We ended with a brainstorm on how to help everyone embrace an agility mindset:
Lead by Example
Communicate Clearly
Understand where they’re coming from
Share your experience
Learn their perspective
Encourage innovation
Know the history/context
Market trends
Business Case
Understanding the roadblocks
Embracing agility is a difference maker, and we hope these thoughts help you personally become more agile, and introduce more agile, flexible perspectives in the workplace.